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Virtual Mask Fashion Show!

Join Us for Parkside's Virtual Mask Fashion Show!

WHEN: Wednesday, August 12th at 4:00pm

WHERE: On Zoom! (Details will be emailed to you on the morning of the event)

WHO: All Parkside summer and fall 2020 students are welcome to perform, or attend as audience members. All parents and staff are welcome to observe as well!

WHAT: A fashion show party to show off our favorite masks! Students can decorate their own mask, or wear one of their favorite store bought masks. If your child is interested in participating, please click on the link below to register as a "performer." If your child or any family member would like to attend as an audience member, please RSVP as an "observer." 

Each child that registers will have one minute to show off their favorite mask. The students can dance or walk to music while wearing their mask, or just sit in front of their camera and describe why they love their mask! (e.g. "This is my favorite mask because... I love that it has... I got it from... "). While each child performs, the audience members will use the chat feature to compliment or write words of encouragement to one another. All audience members are required to wear a mask in order to attend! 

WHY: Because we all need to have some fun, enjoy being together, and practice wearing masks! 

We hope to see you there!