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The Parkside Educational Program is tailored to meet the particular needs of individual students while delivering a complete elementary school curriculum: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Drama, Yoga and Physical Education. 

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Parkside’s guiding principle is to serve the whole child with a full array of academic subjects.

Our rigorous and structured classroom programs are interwoven with a range of complimentary services, delivered in whole groups of eight or smaller and often one-to-one. Each student’s program is a highly individualized one with accommodations for each student’s strengths and challenges. A great deal of attention is given to delivering instructions in various modalities. Children are typically grouped in classrooms of eight students with one head teacher and at least one assistant teacher. Occupational therapy, social work and speech & language therapy are integrated into weekly whole-group classrooms with therapists as lead teachers, or as facilitators when a classroom teacher leads the lessons.

Curriculum is guided by the Common Core Standards and setting it is a dynamic process subject to constant review and revision based on the mission of the school. Parkside is subject to NYC Department of Education and NYS Education Department requirements. Almost all children have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) approved by the NYC Department of Education; these set goals for their academic attainment and provide the basis for the support services children receive.


Parkside provides children with a complete academic program developed to complement individual strengths and overcome challenges. Our teachers use modalities of visual, tactile, and kinesthetic teaching to support their class and to facilitate student exploration.


Every student at Parkside participates in both adaptive physical education and yoga. Together with structured play, these programs further serve the whole child and provide an opportunity for your child to move and strengthen their bodies every school day.


Parkside's philosophy toward educating the whole child includes a strong program in the arts. Students experience structured classes where they learn important skills and develop a deep appreciation for visual, musical, dramatic, and literary forms of communication.


The Parkside School actively integrates multi-media technology into our educational program where it provides both teachers and students with tools to facilitate instruction, learning and exploration. Every teaching room is equipped with iPads, Apple TVs and Smart Boards used in daily lessons.

At Parkside Occupational Therapy, Counseling, and Speech and Language Therapy are integrated with classroom learning every step of the way.

