How to Help Picky Eaters

Don't force them, but do find ways to help them feel good about trying new tastes. Picky eating is one of the most common complaints among parents. It’s the rare child who eats anything and everything, gamely taking on new vegetables, foreign cuisine, and walnuts in brownies. Instead, most kids (like most adults, only moreso) find some foods unpalatable. Vegetables are a frequent offender; processed desserts and chips typically aren’t.

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Anthony Kapp
Picky Eating: What’s Normal and What’s Not

Lots of kids are picky eaters. Often, they grow out of it. But sometimes picky eating becomes a real problem. Kids can eat so little or so few different foods that it starts to affect their health or their daily lives. And it’s frustrating for parents. Kids with a serious aversion to many foods may need help with food habits and overcoming avoidance.

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Anthony Kapp
When Parent and Child Both Have ADHD

Treatment for mom or dad may be important for the kids, too. “We know ADHD is highly familial,” explains Mark Stein, a clinical psychologist and director of the ADHD and Related Disorders Program (PEARL Clinic) at Seattle Children’s Hospital. “That means 25 percent of the parents of kids we diagnose are going to have it.”

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Anthony Kapp
What a Child’s Anger Might be Telling You

Most kids get angry sometimes. It’s a natural reaction when life feels hard or unfair. It’s also natural for the adults in charge to feel conflicted when it happens. They can feel irritated and want to help at the same time.

Anger is often a sign that kids are struggling with or frustrated about things beyond their control. They don’t react this way on purpose. It happens because they don’t yet have the skills to identify and cope with strong emotions.

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Anthony Kapp
Anxiety in people who learn and think differently

Many people have anxiety at some point in their lives — including kids. But people who learn and think differently are more likely to have anxiety than other people.

There are different reasons for that. First, the stress of facing ongoing challenges can lead to anxiety. But there may also be a genetic link between certain learning and thinking differences and anxiety.

For example, many people with ADHD also have anxiety. In fact, kids with ADHD are up to three times more likely to have anxiety than kids who don’t have ADHD. Anxiety also often occurs with dyslexia, slow processing speed, and sensory processing issues.

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Anthony Kapp
No time to read to your child?

You may not have the time to read aloud to your child every day. And that’s OK. There are other ways to make sure your child has the chance to get in reading time. Here are a few ideas for busy families.

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Anthony Kapp
How to Help Kids Who Are Lonely

Friendships are one of the biggest sources of fun in a kid’s life, which is reason enough to value them. But they are also critical to development. They lay the groundwork for lifelong skills like listening to others, solving problems and self-expression. They are also an important source of confidence. As kids get older their friendships start playing an even bigger role in their emotional and personal lives.

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Anthony Kapp
How to Keep Kids Reading This Summer

Summer means a much-needed break for kids, but it can also mean a break in learning and, in many cases, a regrettable loss of newly developed reading skills.

The so-called “summer slide” is particularly problematic for kids who are already struggling with reading. If you don’t want to risk a child losing ground over the summer, it’s important to make sure he has opportunities to practice his growing reading skills. Summer doesn’t need to stall your child’s progress, and it can even be an opportunity to gain reading fluency and enthusiasm.

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Anthony Kapp
The Benefits of Boredom

By week two of summer vacation, “I’m bored” often becomes our kids’ constant refrain. Figuring out how to keep your child entertained over the summer can be a challenge. And it doesn’t help when social media makes it look like every day should resemble a Pinterest board.

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Anthony Kapp
Talking to Kids About Money

From starting a piggy bank to sending your kid off to collegewith a credit card, helping kids learn healthy habits around money can take a lot of work — and patience.

But teaching children to be financially responsible early on will help them cope with challenges like setting limits, planning a budget and resisting impulse buys. There are a lot of different ways to help kids get smart about spending, but we’ve put together some basics to help parents get started.

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Anthony Kapp
Talking to Kids About Racism and Violence

Whether they see it on the news or in their own communities, kids across the United States are aware of the violent acts of racism that our country continues to confront. Many children of color have experienced such racism themselves, or seen it affect their loved ones. From police brutality against Black people to attacks on Asian American people during the coronavirus crisis, there’s a lot going on that can be scary and confusing for kids to deal with.

How can parents, many of whom are struggling themselves, help children process what they’re seeing and manage their feelings?

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Anthony Kapp
Self-Care for Kids: 6 Ways to Self-Regulate

Self-care isn’t something most kids think about. But just like the adults in their lives, kids can get stressed. In fact, with the pandemic, some kids are more anxious than ever. They don’t always have strategies to help them self-regulate.

Self-regulation is about having ways to calm down in the face of stress and anxiety. It’s a skill that develops over time and with practice. And being able to soothe yourself is an important step to being more resilient.

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Anthony Kapp
Screen Time During the Coronavirus Crisis

By this point in the pandemic, setting rules around screen time may feel impossible. How much is too much? Does remote learning count? What about gaming with friends? And what if you (like many parents right now!) are just too exhausted to fight about it? There’s no one right answer when it comes to managing screen time during this ongoing crisis.

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Anthony Kapp
How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns

The first thing we have to do to manage tantrums is to understand them. That is not always as easy as it sounds, since tantrums and meltdowns are generated by a lot of different things: fear, frustration, anger, sensory overload, to name a few. And since a tantrum isn’t a very clear way to communicate (even though it may be a powerful way to get attention), parents are often in the dark about what’s driving the behavior.

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Anthony Kapp
When people have different views: How to help your child cope this election season

Some kids (and adults) have trouble accepting other people’s point of view. They think they’re always right, and everyone else is wrong. That’s especially true for kids who struggle with flexible thinking.

Flexible thinking lets people see things from different angles. Kids who struggle with it have trouble understanding that people don’t all think alike. And that can cause problems during election season, when they hear people at home, at school, on the news, or on social media disagreeing and arguing.

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Anthony Kapp