2024-2025 Materials Fee

The Parkside School initiated a school wide protocol to support children’s organizational skills. We have developed a materials list that is consistent among age levels and classes. Therefore, the school will be purchasing materials for each student. There is a “Materials Fee” for the 2024-2025 school year of $175 per child. Some of the books and materials supplied by the school include, but are not limited to, workbooks, art portfolios, sketch books, binders, planners, homework folders, etc.

Click “Add to Cart” below to pay your child's material fee with a credit card, or print this page, write your child’s name on it, and send it with a check made payable to The Parkside School. 


Albina Miller & Leslie Thorne
Co-Heads of School

2024-2025 Materials Fee

The Materials Fee this year is $175 per student. Thank you for paying this fee by the end of August 2024.